The Three Parts of Governance

Many have been deluded into believing that the three parts of government is Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. In reality there are four aspects of government clerical, executive, the corporate, and the patriarchy. Clerics are the most moral people in a society and therefore should be the only ones allowed to enact a moral law. The religion which European society has functioned the best is Christianity. Therefore denominations must be united to form scientific Christianity which is based on observation of natural forces at work creating absolute morals instead of personal interpretation. The second aspect is the executive or in other words a strong moral leader who rigorously enforces laws by implementing technology and brute force. He is a military leader who rigorously implements protocols regarding national security. There may be two such leaders one being domestic and the other foreign both being united by close friendship. Whether there is one or two they should both have been appointed from among the top clerics previously so they will be able to relate to the previous branch. The corporate is all the businesses of the State combined into one body. They are under the authority of the clerics and executives. They have there own body to create national solidarity and to allow government to deal with moral issues without being lagged down by economic ones. The last part is the patriarchy at the top is a counsel of chancellors. These are basically retired leaders who have earned this position due to there integrity. Under them is the patriarchy minor which are tribal heads under which are clans and which are families, households, and finally individuals. The patriarchy minor are under dual jurisdiction of the executive and counsel of chancellors. The system of choosing people to enter leadership should be based on four intervals at various times of military training, education, testing, and implementation . The testing area involves such methods as lie detector tests to help verify if they accept the education intervals. A subset of the testing stage is monitoring which is the recording of each individuals moral faults by authority figures(teachers, military officers, pastor, parents, mangers, and etc...) throughout their lives plus a record of any violations of law. Implementation is a record by authority figures on how they manage handling higher positions such as teacher, military officer, head of house, pastor and etc..

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Anihilation of pleasure

Pleasure is a biochemical drug caused by the production of dopamine in the neurons of the brains . Like all drugs it should be eliminated from society. It is in essence no more than slavery to desire. As all drugs it is highly addictive and have caused numerous social problems ranging from pornography to illegal drugs themselves. There is good use for pleasure but this is not the subject of this post it is rather about the excesses of the drug pleasure and its addiction. This addiction is best personified in people who want fun and distraction. These things should by all means be eliminated since all they amount to is wasting time when they could be being productive in society. The media for instance is the prime example of this instead of providing information it provides an escape from life. Society can not exist with an escapist mentality life must be dealt head on with each individual. Furthermore people should realize that life is unfair and there endless nagging as promoted by anything will not bring something into existence that does not exist. Boredom is the natural state of man. This boredom is what causes people to seek a higher meaning in life thus resulting in real initiative. Satisfaction is only a momentary solution to a longterm dilemma without the implementation of a longterm solution nothing is solved. Thus momentary pleasure is only an anesthetic to human desire. Accomplishment and attainment is the only solution for longing. Furthermore pleasure offers a distraction to accomplishing the innate purpose of such longings. First off absorption in entertainment distracts one from building true real-world experiences. Birth-control solves the problem of a desire for procreation without procreating. Music is used to create synthetic emotions ignoring the purpose of emotion to build relationships.

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Sex should be pleasureless

Q. Are you seriously against sex, or is this a joke?
A. We are absolutely serious.

Q. And who writes here? Perhaps only impotents, silly boys who can't "find a girl", or girls whom "nobody wants" - people who want sex but can't have it?
A. On the contrary, those who can but don't want it. Imagine, it's possible. You could as well say that only people who have troubles with digestive system don't practice cannibalism, or that only people who don't have a syringe don't take drugs...

Q. What do you call "sex"? How do you distinguish a sexual action?
A. 1) In the most general sense, sex is everything concerning "sexual relations". That is, not only the act of copulation (either in "normal" or perverted form), but also what precedes it, accompanies it, or is aimed at it. (By "precedes or accompanies" I mean the components of the same process, not external events.) In a more specific sense, copulation without the aim of procreation.
2) The criterion for sex is the presence of sexual arousal/pleasure at least in one of the partners, or just an intention to experience it.

Q. Why are you against sex?
A. Because sex is similar to drugs, both in physical and social effects. It places primitive instincts higher than intellect, a human being - a sentient being - turns into a primitive animal. The system of priorities suffers deformation. This leads to many nasty perversions of all kinds, including socially dangerous ones.
It's not a mere coincidence that the most dirty words in any language are connected to sex, and that innocence and purity have always been synonyms for virginity.
Even without perversions, the urge to obtain a new dose of the "drug" forces people to all kinds of stupid mistakes, deception and crime. Sex often ruins friendship, stimulates lie and unfair play.
If the energy that the humanity wastes on the satisfaction of lust would be used in more valuable areas, the civilization would achieve much more success, and there would fewer destructive conflicts between individuals or social groups.
Besides that, sex is not as harmless for one's health as it is commonly believed, and can stimulate some disease, not all of which are infectious; there are even reports that sex can have a negative impact on lifespan. This is the practical side of the problem.
As far as higher matters are concerned, it can be added that sex (indulgence in primitive instincts) and improvement of one's personality are incompatible. Religion can provide even more reasons. Finally, copulation is aesthetically disgusting.

Q. Can you give me more detail about social conflicts?
A. Here are several quotations from the conference:

MR> If they pull you into conflicts, send them to hell. If they damage your property, including your body, sue a criminal case.

- This is not always possible. Some people need too much money for sex. Some of them give birth to more children than they are able to raise, and more than quantity of jobs our society can provide. Then a war or a revolution begins, and you can't just "send it to hell" or sue it in court.

RE> And you forgot the poor ecological situation.

- Everything is connected. Hypersexuality, overpopulation, insufficience of resources, social conflicts, no respect for the biosphere.

MC> Possibly I can suppose (unproven so far), that if humanity were free from sex, there would be no wars.

- At least there would be fewer. First, there would be no overpopulation that causes insufficience of resources, and no wasting them on sex. Second, aggression would not have a powerful sexual support, and all sexual motives - from rape of the defeated to the image of a warrior as a "real man" - could not be used to lure people to war. The same applies to other social conflicts.

Q. Do you think that all troubles are because of sex?
A. Of course not. Sex is not the only evil. What we are trying to say is that people usually underestimate the need for struggle against it, unlike against other forms of evil.

Q. But sex is natural like, for example, food. You don't demand that people stop eating, do you?
A. First of all, natural doesn't mean good. Diseases and death are also natural.A "Natural" lifestyle is for monkeys and other animals; civilization itself is quite unnatural. And on the other hand, sex is very different from other physical needs: it is not required for the survival of an individual (only for the entire species), and, in the case of Homo Sapiens, it dramatically, at least 100 times, exceeds biologically reasonable level. Animals have short mating periods during which they become "insane" (there are common terms like "march hare"); humans experience this insanity during most of their lifespan! The higher is a species' grade of development, the less is mortality among adults and especially children; therefore, the less if the need for procreation, for sex. For a sentient being just a few matings in the entire life are sufficient. Humans do not follow this principle. This is unnatural, it is a disease of the entire species.
Mating without the aim of procreation is as stupid and awful as eating and immediately vomiting out the food; it is possible in case of a severe illness but cannot by considered normal by any means.

Q. Why is sex not normal if most people do it?
A. Because a norm can't be determined by majority. Normal is not "like everybody", but "as it should be", "as optimal". In a psychiatric hospital the doctors are normal, not the patients, though the latter prevail in number. Totalitary governments were not normal, though supported by almost the entire fooled nations. Et cetera, et cetera. Of course, you can define "normal" as "conventional", but such a term would be purely statistical.

Q. But if sex is not needed, why has natural selection not removed it?
A. Animals that live by natural selection do not have sex as humans mean it. Humans, on the other hand, are not subject to natural selection since the invention of medicine, informational communications and tools, because almost any person can have children who will live. Uncontrolled reproduction leads to degradation of the genetic pool. This is another reason why it is necessary that science interfere with natural mechanisms.
By the way, the same natural selection has not removed death and disease. The nature does not create perfection, its principle is "it works somehow".

Q. But you can't go against nature!
A. Why, you can. One of the most important tasks of science is the improvement of human body. Eventually there will be some medical means to remove sexual drive without harm to health. Even today there are many people who have no desire for sex, but are quite healthy and able to procreate. We just need to copy this mechanism.
Even without medical methods - solely on psychological level - sex can be successfully put away.

Q. Maybe you have special physiology that you have no desire for sex?
A. No, quite ordinary. Many of us had to overcome lust at some point. With success.

Q. Well, okay, but is it worth the trouble to deny yourself sex?
A. There is no trouble. During the transitional period there is a possibility of suffering withdrawal - as with all drugs. But eventually it comes to an end, and further sex-free life requires no effort, no "self-forcing". Problems arise only from involuntary abstinence, but with a voluntary decision to remove sex from life everything is OK. Sexual tension is like an itch; it will not hurt unless you scratch it.

Q. Why don't you just castrate yourself?
A. Not the right way: too many negative side-effects, and not always successful in removal of sexual drive. It would be like doing neurosurgery with an axe.

Q. What is your attitude towards masturbation?
A. Negative. Of course, it does not lead to some troubles conventional sex creates (social, financial, etc.), but it also a form of drug addiction.

Q. How can you blame sex it you have never experienced it first-hand?
A. Well, some of us might have, but that's not the point. To condemn drug abuse, one does not have to be a junkie, right?

Q. Do you accept sex for the sake of procreation? If not, how do you plan to maintain population?
A. 1) Theoretically we accept it; however, not all of us consider it acceptable for themselves even that way. Artificial insemination techniques exist, too. In future they will provide genetic control, selection of optimal genetic combinations (and, at some point, direct improvement of genes by means of genetic engineering). This is not only useful but necessary because of the lack of natural selection.
2) The Nature expert! Yes, I know about
The principles, but haven't you forgot
That the ideas reproduce without
Necessity to use "you know what"?
(C) YuN, translated by A.Yanovsky

Q. O.K, you don't want to have sex - you abstain from it. But what is your business with those who don't share your ideas?
A. See above. Too much evil and crime were done because of sex throughout the history of humanity. I don't mean only sexual abuse; it is common when a woman (or a man) is the target, and crime or foul behavior is used to reach the target. Not only sexually obsessed persons suffer. Also, it's a pity to see people who waste their energy, time, health, etc. for such a miserable thing. Sex is a disease that combines features of drug addiction and paranoia; it requires healing like any other socially dangerous disease.

Q. Don't you think that you can't defeat drug abuse and prostitution? Maybe it's better to legalise them and collect taxes for the society?
A. Why not legalise killers then, and then replace law with a price list? If a sin is too hard to destroy completely, we can at least make it hard to indulge in, too, and thus reduce it. You can't divide people into saints who are unable to seduce, and lost souls beyond help -- the majority of people are somewhere in between.
Drugs and "sex business" have no rights to be legal just because every business is interested in the expansion of its market, not counting drug-induced crime, direct correlation between availability of pornography and sex crime rate, etc.

Q. Since you consider sex equal to drugs, does that mean that you would put people in prison for it, etc.?
A. No. We don't want sex to be banned, but want people to lose interest in it. What must be banned (and prosecuted as crime) is only sexual propaganda, like distribution (not actual use) of drugs, and also sexual violence and harrassment.

Q. Of course, there are many weak people who can do anything for sex. But there are also strong people who have self-control and will not do anything insane because of it. Why should they abstain from sex?
A. First of all, about the weak. We should not consider them beyond hope, there are clever and talented people among them who deserve a better fate. And as for the strong, this is of course good that they have the situation under control, but it by no means frees them from trouble. Wasted resources are not replenished from nowhere; everything that is wasted on sex is lost forever.

Q. Don't you think that total abstinence from sex will lead to extinction of the humanity because of lack of reproduction?
A. If reproduction were only an unwanted side-effect of sexual pleasures, the humanity would die off instantly upon invention of contraceptives. By the way, families that are centered on sex have the most risk of being unstable over time.

Q. What do the abbreviations "ART" and "EEE" mean?
A. ART (Artificial Reproduction Technologies) - technologies aimed at artificial insemination and, furthermore, full extracorporal cycle.
EEE (Eternal Electric Enjoyment) - total immersion in pleasure by inserting electrodes into certain parts of the brain. Refers to wide-known experiments on rats (see photo) which, when provided with ability to trigger a switch connected to the electrodes, kept constantly pressing it until they starved to death. A similar effect is possible for humans...
Those who consider "pleasure" their aim in life, should not stop on sex, drugs and other half-measures; their ideal is EEE.

Wirehead Rat

Q. Do you have fimilies? Children?
A. Some have, some have not. That is a personal choice.

Q. Arts and sex - what do you think about that?
A. Some more quotations from the conference:

GM>>> Michaelangelo was asked: "Why don't you sleep with women?" The answer was: "What I give to a woman, I won't be able to give to my sculpture."
YN>> Right. The same about Beethoven and Hemmingway. It's time to put aside the myth that sex stimulates creativity. Even those great inventions that are believed to be made under influence of sexual retaions (in general sense), in fact are more closely related to troubles in those relations.
MM> But were it not for sex, there would be no sex-induced troubles you are talking about.

- No. The situation is different: say, a person wanted to invest money in a financial pyramid, and lose it. Friends tried to convince him to reconsider, but to no success. When the mistake was ready to be made, the pyramid collapsed, and the person was forced to invest in something more useful. Why not do that right in the beginning - if there was no pyramid?

Q. So you praise intelligence and blame animal instincts. But who told you that you are right?
A. No one. The system of priorities can be connected to any frame of reference. As sentient beings, we connect it to intellect. You can choose animal instincts. But in the latter case, don't demand that you be treated as sentient beings having the corresponding rights.

Q. So if one has intelligence, there should be no emotions? No pleasures?
A. Emotions are different. There is nothing bad in feeling satisfaction by a well-done job, artwork, intellectual communication. But emotions that originate in primitive instincts and fog the mind really must not exist.

Q. Do you think that there should be no relations between men and women except business?
A. Not necessarily. This is the removal of sex that will make human relations pure. There is nothing bad in mutual sympathy, friendship; but all those "can't live without you", "nothing matters except you" are really stupid and dangerous and have no right to exist.

Q. Can there be love without sex? Where is the border dividing love and friendship?
A. 1) Yes, but it must still be related to sexuality, even if there is no visible indication of that. Love (certainly, we don't mean love for parents, children, animals, books, etc.) is always aimed at a potentially sexually attractive object.
2) 1. Friendship has nothing to do with sexuality. It has no connection to sex drive, either conscious or subconscious, and is not gender-specific or depending on sexual orientation of the participants.
2. Friendship is not a "persistent idea". A friend does not become "the center of the world", the focus of all thoughts and so on.
3. Real friendship is not jealous. A person can have many friends; friendship can connect more than two persons.
4. Real friendship must be earned. Friends forgive each other's faults, but a good-natured person would not be a friend to a traitor, a smart one to a fool, etc. Love, on the other hand, ignores reason.
5. There can be no "unhappy", "unshared" friendship. It can be broken up, but more or less simultaneously by all sides. You can't be a friend to a person who isn't your friend (save the case when one just pretends to be a friend).
These are the main differences. Perhaps there are more.

Q. Don't you think that you are overly obsessed with the antisex idea?
A. This echoconference is dedicated to the topic, but that by no means indicates that we have no other interests.

Q. And what would Freud say about you?
A. Freud was a maniac himself (how should we call a person who considered any long cylindric object a symbol of a penis, and any box a vagina?) and accused the world of the same mania. His own practice had shown that his sexual theories were not so consistent. Modern psychoanalysis has abandoned pure Freudism long ago.

Q. Wouldn't humans without sex be not quite humans any more?
A. And what? You don't panic that humans are not quite apes any more? We have to evolve. Today humans are way too imperfect yet.

Q. Why don't you allow opposition in the conference?
A. The echoconference was created as a club for people who understand what's wrong and only need to make up the mind on what to do. With time the circle of people involved expanded, and now not only radical supporters write here, but also those in doubt. It is normal and allowed by the rules.
The only people who must not be here are devoted supporters of sex. They are usually rude and aggressive, and cannot be easily turned back, as "pleasure" is higher than anything for them. Even among drug abusers it is easier to find people aware of the destructiveness of their lifestyle.
It is therefore reasonable that such people get disconnected from the conference. This is not against democracy: they have more than enough other conferences.

Q. Who is the moderator of RU.ANTISEX and what are the rules?
A. The moderator is Yuri Nesterenko (2:5020/1402). The rules are regularly posted to the conference; in addition, the moderator can send them via netmail (e-mail) upon request. It would be useful to quote the beginning of the rules here:
"This echoconference exists for everyone who, either by ideological, moral, religious, or other reasons considers sex (at least without the aim of procreation) bad, disgusting, harmful, inappropriate for a sentient being, etc. Everyone who shares this point of view fully or partially is welcome here."

Taken from

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Overpopulation is the hugest myth ever. It provides a lame excuse for the Communist devils to chop down the deepest tradition of mankind, the family. Liberal man can not stand a little bit of responsibility. All he seeks in this world is some temporary anathetic to his ever plaguing passions. He can not stand the idea of heritage so he naturally seeks some alternative lifestyle which is completely unnatural. Instead of trying to bring up the next generation they run after contraceptives, abortions an etc... It would be better if they were never burn than to have that filth they bring into the world. Marx was wrong it is the enlightened man which enslaves the masses. The opiate of society is the porn which breaks up the dearest of relationships. The opiate of society is a loss of desire to reproduce as our forefathers have done for thousands of years. We have forgotten the purpose of sexuality to give forth a heritage and therefore the sanctity of it is gone. Gender has become interchangeable for society has somehow forgotten the meaning of life. The opiate of society is materialistic egalitarianism built on lies of false equality. It is better to suffer the hardship of overpopulation than suffer from a weak-mind. For overpopulation pushes us to expansion , while the lack of hardship produces a the weak-willed fickle human beings that commit suicide daily. The purpose of overpopulation is that the most intelligent organism in the universe will bring it's life outside of its domain. Our forefather's were forever expanding out of their domain with frivolous honor for their heritage and State. Eugenics by sterilization belongs for the inbreds and genetic mutants that they might not hurt their own descendants as well as the descendants of others. It is stupidity to sterilize perfectly healthy genetic stock . Isn't it the duty of everyone to try to preserve life; then why should abortion be even an alternative. It is honorable and natural for a Mother to lay down her life for her young just as a soldier who dies in war. Whatever happens is not the next life's fault. If a person does not want to take risk than why did they marry in the first place. Divorce is another problem in a Democratic society. It is as people have lost their commitment. Love has become no longer a decision but it has become all about making each other feel happy. Everyone seems so distracted that they can't see that happiness is only for a fleeting moment. The rest of life is intrinsically unfair with an overtone of neutrality. Satisfaction however is a state of mind just as much as freedom, thus life is how you make it. Life isn't suppose to be fair so why try to make it that way so instead one should try to make themselves satisfied and since beauty belongs to the beholder life will proportionally be a bliss. Marriage isn't about happiness it is actually no more than a stage of life. It is run primarily by duty without duty, honor, and tradition marriage loses meaning. I find it derogatory that such a stage of life is decided on base emotion rather than an agreement between the parents and the heir. The absence of a patriarchal system I find is what resulted in this. And of course a true patriarchal system with clans and patriarchs is truly incompatible with Democracy because such a conformitarian system rejects diversity in all forms.And because of the former statement race has lost its underlying structure and thus there is no support. Thus falls chivalry, discipline, order, authority, honor, and duty to a materialistic rule of majority.

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I have heard some stupid comments recently about a lack of racial intermarriage somehow lead to genetic defects. This is based on a premise that if we don't intermarry we will wear out our genetic markers and make us more prone to genetic defects much like European nobility. This statement is flawed because all humanity is related at some point so even according to their point of view if everyone intermarried: we would end up with one Global ethnicity, since there is no other ethnicities their would be no intermarriage which in the long term would wear out our genetic markers. Further consequences of a Global ethnicity would be the destruction of tradition, national Sovereignty, and culture in every society. The solution is not to diversify our genetics which in the end only leads to racial and cultural uniformity. The solution is to sterilize those with genetic defects in order to prevent the genetic contamination of future generations. This is by no chance a pro-choice statement because sterilization bears no similarity to the termination of a human life. It is in reality no more than genetic isolation; much more similar to what a society would do to a person would do to someone with a highly contagious disease quarantine them. This is all in all a pro-life stance since an accumulation of genetic defects can be lethal to the fetus much like an abortion.
Another statement I found disturbing is a comparison of ethnic determinism to incest this is absolutely false. The premise of this statement is since race is an extended family not intermarrying compares to incest. The flaw with this is going back farther all humanity is interrelated and thus following this flawed viewpoint is clearly seen because once we apply it to broad categories it becomes an incentive to wipe out humanity and in a smaller scale ones heritage. In order to understand why such a view is wrong one must also understand that intermarriage is wrong primarily because it sexualises the most sacred of relationships and secondary because of a higher risk of genetic defects not the other way around as some imply.
Another statement which is obviously contradictory is the one of there being no race some even take it further by saying there is no species. This is based on the theory of evolution which is foremost a theory which is proven by it having holes.
It also uses this kind of logic: If something has objects a,b, and c it is equal to another object that has a,b, and c. Regardless of similarities common dissimilarities among various groups of people prove races even though the amount of genetic differences is quite small. However they fail to provide a mathematical proof of to what extent genetics differences corresponds to physical and mental differences making there statements conclusionless. Since I can say that the type of genes and the differences and processes involved even a small change in these can cause profound changes.. Observation says that each race has strengths and weaknesses.

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Freedom is not a concrete concept. It is in reality a mental construct. Freedom for one person is completely different than freedom from another. Freedom does not equal being autonomous because not all desire to be autonomous and reality holds that the only fully autonomous organism is a dead one. One can not be autonomous for the simple reason that the future is built on the past; all aspects of life are contained in the rigid boundaries of past experience. To some critics of these statements their lives proves otherwise and as of yet they have yet to provide a universal definition of freedom. Freedom was not built on the foundations of observation but rather the foundation of political imagination. Freedom is as real as Santa Clause it's only existence is in the imaginations of those who hold it. Freedom is an empty term use to masquerade every form of illogical behavior as reasonable. In reality it is better not to hear than listen to media gossip which harms people not only on an individual basis but society, it would be far better if it would stop trying to justify depravity( how they betray society), and it would be best of all if they didn't disclose sensitive information and so endanger the lives of its listeners. Individuals can not exist without society by betraying society freedom has betrayed all its adherers. Government abuse only exists when the governors are inadequate. It is far better if they were chosen by their training and through scientific inquirer than through the minds of the untrained herds who have no ideas of the entirety of the government process. Absolutism is based on the inherent traits of humanity and which ways are more compatible with them. Totalitarianism has to do with eliminating behavior which is destructive to society. For every behavior that is destructive on an individual level will eventually be destructive on a social level. Freedom is incompatible with a herd mentality. Society is incompatible with any other mentality.

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