Integration is a crime against one's race. There is nothing wrong with nationalism. It is not only natural but it is Godly. It is a virtue to be proud of how God created you. What is wrong with every race living in their own region? God set continents to separate us for a reason. Not only this he gave each one of us a different language when we tried to integrate at the tower of Babel. Culturally it preserves the heritage handed down by our ancestors. It gives each one of us a physical identification we can spread to our generations. It preserves our way of living. It is good for the State because if everyone in the world integrated we would have no nations. We would each adopt the same customs, the same language, and become one people. We would finally end up with a one world government where nations no longer act as a balance on one another. Diversity produces a close nit culture which in turn bring disease as is proven with Athens and the Byzantine Empire. It is natural. This can easily be seen in how immigrants and minorities to form subcultures such as the Hispanic community, Negro community, etc.. We are all attracted to similarities and deal more comfortably with those more similar to us. Racism would not exist if we all stayed in our own countries. The American Indians would have never been subject to murder and harsh treatment. We would be searching for new land instead of taking it from our brother. The holocaust would have never happened and the Jews would not have been dispersed. Slavery would also be eliminated in the form we know today because the Europeans would not have come to Africa(at least not to mess up their culture) they would be interested in building their own cultures. In the end integration is the destruction of what makes us special. It is just like Communism trying to destroy our individuality to promote equality to which we are inherently unequal because of culture as well as genetics. It is time that every race unite against diversity in order to support ethnic determinism. After all every race has the potential just like every human to succeed if it applies itself. Wealthy country exporting businesses just produces cultural laziness. Each country needs to make itself self sufficient. It is like people don't work don't eat. We know from Jesus "their will always be the poor among us" and their is a big difference between the poor and the lazy. The poor have been deprived of their resources. Yes, some countries are poor but this is primarily due to the welfare states influence on the Global economy. The other part is due to a lack of resources but these are relatively few. I am not saying we can't help other countries I am just saying we don't give handouts. Free food and medicine does nothing because it runs out the next day. What they need is knowledge to cultivate those resources from their environment.
Antidemocratic Groups on Facebook
- Advocates of a Brutal Fascist Government
- Against Democracy
- Against Freedom of the Speech
- Against Multiculturalism
- American Fascist Movement
- American Fascist Party, A.K.A The AFP
- Anti-Humanism
- Antidemocracy group
- Aristocratie & Traditions
- Boycott Islam and all things Muslim
- Bring Back Monarchy
- British Fascist Society
- British Nationalism
- Canadian Fascist Alliance
- Carlistas
- Conservo-Fascist Movemen
- Counterrevolutionaries
- European Nationalism
- Facebook Fascists
- Fascism Beats Communism Any Day of the Week!
- Fascism is not National Socialism
- Fascist Party Of Canada
- Fascist Party of Canada
- Fascist Union of Patriots
- Fascist Utopianism
- Fascist Youth of America (FYA)
- Fascists, Anarchists, Communists, Monarchists (People who hate Democracy)
- Friedrich Nietzsche
- hitler and mussolini
- I Support Francisco Franco in the Spanish Civil War
- Il Partito di Fascista di Facebook
- Im a fascist and proud!
- International Monarchist Conference - Conférence Monarchiste Internationale
- International Monarchist League
- Join the Fascist Movement....
- La Falange
- La Falange
- Loyalist Falange of British America
- Military Strategy and Tactics
- MNDFP : Modern Non-Discriminatory Fascist Party
- Mussolini Supporters
- Mussolini's Black Shirts
- My Family was Fascist or Nazi, do you have a problem with that?
- Nationalism
- Old-Fashioned Fascists
- Pentti Linkola is neat.
- Pornography Is Filth
- Revolt Against the Modern World
- Save The White Race!
- Stop Eurabia
- STOP Interracial Relationships, Marriage and Sex
- syrian nationalist social party
- The Campaign to End Democracy
- The Warrior Society
- The World Needs a Fascist
- Union of Nationalists, Conservatives and Romantics
- Vive le roi! - We who are against the French Revolution.
- Vote BNP (British National Party)
- Vote for the National Fascist Party in '08
- World Nobility & Royalty
- Young Fascist of America
- Youth For A fascist USA
Antidemocratic groups on Okurt
- A Verdade sobre o Integralismo
- Aeromodelismo e Integralismo
- AIB(Integralismo)
- ANAUÊ(Integralismo)
- António de Oliveira Salazar.
- António Sardinha
- António Sardinha
- Automodelismo e Integralismo
- Benito Mussolini
- Benito Mussolini
- CAMISAS-VERDES(Integralismo)
- CDS/PP Partido Popular
- Civilização Cristã
- CLUBE DO SIGMA(Integralismo)
- Cristianismo e Integralismo
- Decima MAS
- Esporte e Sigma (Integralismo)
- Estudo o Sigma (Integralismo)
- Falange
- Falange Española
- Fascio de Combate
- Fascismo
- Fascistas do Cerrado
- Ferreomodelismo e Integralismo
- Francisco Franco - O Ditador
- General Augusto Pinochet
- Generalísimo Francisco Franco
- Glauber Rocha e o Integralismo
- História do Integralismo
- História do Integralismo
- Homenagem a Pinochet
- Integralismo & Direito
- Integralismo & Direito
- INTEGRALISMO & Partido Verde
- Integralismo (História)
- Integralismo (Salvador/BA)
- Integralismo - Arcoverde/Caru.
- Integralismo - Campinas
- Integralismo - Centro-Oeste Σ
- Integralismo - Guarapari
- Integralismo - Juiz de Fora
- Integralismo - Londrina
- Integralismo - N.I.E.R.J.
- Integralismo - Petrópolis
- Integralismo - Região Norte Σ
- Integralismo - SC
- Integralismo - São Paulo Σ
- Integralismo Alagoas
- Integralismo e Aeromodelismo
- Integralismo e Desbravadores
- Integralismo e Folclore
- Integralismo e Juventude
- Integralismo e Meio Ambiente
- Integralismo e Meio Ambiente
- Integralismo e Monarquia.
- Integralismo e Nacionalismo
- Integralismo e Nacionalismo
- Integralismo e Partido Verde
- Integralismo e Plastimodelismo
- Integralismo e Poesia
- Integralismo e Revolução
- Integralismo e Xadrez
- Integralismo em Alagoinhas.
- Integralismo em Pauta
- Integralismo em Pernambuco
- Integralismo em S.J.Meriti
- Integralismo em São Luís - MA
- Integralismo Já!
- Integralismo Lusitano
- Integralismo no Ceará
- Integralismo no Espírito Santo
- Integralismo no Nordeste
- integralismo no piaui
- Integralismo no sul do Brasil
- Integralismo no Séc. XXI
- Integralismo não é Fascismo!!!
- Integralismo Paraná
- Integralismo Região Sudeste Σ
- Integralismo Revolucionário
- Integralismo Sul-Fluminse[(Σ)]
- INTEGRALISMO Viva o Brasil!!
- INTEGRALISMO x Anarquismo
- Integralismo x Socialismo
- Integralismo, a 4ª Via
- Integralismo-CE
- Integralismo:Nação em Primeiro
- José Antonio Primo de Rivera
- legião nacional fascista
- Meio Ambiente e Integralismo
- Meio Ambiente e o Integralismo
- Meio Ambiente e o Integralismo
- Miguel Reale (Integralismo)
- Mussolini
- Nacional Integralismo
- Nautimodelismo e Integralismo
- O Integralismo e a Educação
- O Integralismo não é Nazismo!
- Partido Verde e Integralismo
- Partido Verde é o Integralismo
- Plastimodelismo e Integralismo
- Plínio Salgado (Integralismo)
- PORTUGUESA de Desportos - LUSA
- Ramiro de Maeztu
- Socialismo x Integralismo
- Socialismo x INTEGRALISMO
- sou fã do Augusto Pinochet
- The Fascist Party
- Unionismo - Neo Integralismo
- Viva o Regime militar fascista
- Xadrez e Integralismo
- ∑ INTEGRALISMO - Niterói ∑
Antidemocratic groups on Yahoo
- A. Please understand I do not personally agree with all these links the purpose of this is to create an active database of those who wish to undermine Democracy.
- American Fascism
- americanfascism
- australianfascist
- australianfascist
- AyveanNation
- AyveanNation
- becomeanationalist
- becomeanationalist
- benito_mussolini_dvx
- BlackKnightsOfNifelheim
- CryptoFascism
- diamond_mussolini
- ethnic_identity
- Facist_union_Group
- fascism
- Fascism_and_Technology
- fascismrox
- fascist
- fascista
- fascistidecombatimenti
- fascistpartyofcanada
- fascistpoliticalleague
- Fascists_Fighting_Prejudice
- ifsinst
- Indiana_union_of_Fascism
- italiafascista
- litaliafascista
- Michigan_Fascism
- NeoFascism
- post-fascism
- Racistandfascist
- ReflectingOnFascism
- revolutionary_union_fascists
- Start a Group | My Groups
- The_World_Fascist_Committee
- thenationalparty
- Theocrats
- Theocrats
- world-fascist
Antidemocratic groups on minor social networking sites
- Antidemocratic United Front
- Crypto Fascism
- Fascism
- Fascists
- International Fascism
- kriegspace
- Nihilistic Existentialist Modernist Fascist Network
- The Campaign to End Democracy on Bebo
- The Campaign to End Democracy on Xanga
- The Green Hammer
- The National Irish Accociation of Fascism Party (NIAF)
- The OFFICIAL Fascist Association of Ireland
Antidemocratic and Christian Reconstructionalist websites
- Action Française(translated)
- Albatross
- American Fascist Movement
- American Fascist Party
- Army of God
- AVE!
- Aziones Sociale(translated)
- British Fascist Society (under construction)
- Centrumdemokraterne(translated)
- Christian Falangist Party
- Christian Gallery
- Crosstar
- Falange Auténtica(translated)
- Falange Española de las JONS
- Falange Española Independiente (untranslatable)
- Frente Integralista Brasileira (translated)
- Gold Party (translated)
- Integralismo Lusitano
- International Fascist forum
- Lafalange
- Nederlandse Volksunie(translated)
- NPD(translated)
- Society for the Perpetuation of the Ten Commandments
- The Truth of Fascism
- Union Movement
- United Fascist Union
- Unión Nacional de Trabajadores(translated)
Rampage of Promiscuity
.Rape in America is an everyday occurrence. It is encouraged by pornography, pop culture, and the modern trend of excesses. One can not go through the grocery store without seeing some advertisement displaying women and men (esp women) as mere sensual objects. This is the trend of modern society have fun and throw off responsibilities. Everyone is indulging in sexual perversion their is no want to raise a family. The modern life in America is an endless process of eating, doing drugs, and endlessly having sex. There is no honor commitment is disfoiled all in the name of temporary sensation. Discipline is considered being rigid. Advertisement has become a game where natural attraction is no longer looked as sacred. All that is held sacred is profit, gluttony, and fun. To this unnaturalness people have become prone to AIDS, marriages are being torn apart like never before, and children are becoming sexually perverse at a rate never before seen in history. Society has tried to preserve its deformity by creating forms of birth control, creating medicine to prolong the lives of those who have conceived AIDS, and of course killing their own children. Mankind has turned his back on what got them this far--the desire to expand, the desire to create. and the desire to preserve his heritage. With their heritage no longer wanting to be preserved the education system is falling, children are becoming nonconformists or more accurately translated teenage delinquents, and everyone has lost care for their brother due to the ramped superstar I'm special system. Thus our murders exceed in the last three years all those who died in Vietnam this is not counting the Abortions. The Democratic Society in its excess kills as much people as any Totalitarian State did.
The Bible is true. Man has an inherently evil nature which must be corrected by the true Christian minority. All opinions are not on the same footing just as the ideology of promiscuity is not of the same footing as that of discipline. Freedom is a metal construct. Some might choose Freedom to sin but I choose freedom from sin for my future posterity. Holding therefore that God's law is not on an equal footing as that of Satan. We are not all equal in the sight of God but judged according to his set standards, and able to accomplish his will by his Grace. I deem therefore Democracy as a means that must be destroyed if we are to destroy promiscuity because mankind is evil and given a chance will vote collectively for it. The only good government is a Theocracy..
Modern Authoritarianism: Tracking Chips
Tracking Chips
A long held problem of Authoritarianism is tracking crime when it happens. This problem is no longer existent because of the Digital Angel Technology for those who think this is the mark of the beast let me assure you the Greek word for mark is properly translated tattoo or imprint. The results of implementing this technology could be tracking missing children, locating people during an accident, and of course catching criminals. Criminals can be quickly caught using an electronic query with programmed criminal behavior. Their locations will then be sought out via satellite.
My solution for free speech is integrating government officials within the populace. Their also needs to be lie detector tests to help diagnose immoral thoughts within the youth and treat it. After all our physical bodies need doctors and so does our morals. Thoughts can be more dangerous than actions and therefore need to be checked on and corrected.
see for details about tracking chips and other uses of this technology
फ्रीदोम इस वहत वे मके आईटी। आईटी इस रेलातिवे टू एकाच इन्दिविदुअल। सोम पीपुल प्रेफेर ठेव फ्रीदोम टू दो वहत थे वांट । ओठेर्स विसेली चूसे थे फ्रीदोम टू नोट दो वहत थे वांट। टू बे त्रुली फ्री इस टू बे फ्री फ्रॉम ओंस सेल्फ। टू बे फ्री फ्रॉम दृग्स, फ्रॉम सींग इम्मोरालिटी, एंड फ्रॉम फिल्ति देसिरेस ऑफ़ सेकुलर मतेरिअलिस्म। टू बे फ्री फ्रॉम क्रीम और टू बे फ्री टू दो क्रीम । थिस इस थे कुएस्शन। सोम मिघ्त से थिस इस लोइके सीकिंग फ्रीदोम इन प्रिसों, व्हें आईटी इस रेअल्ली लिके लूकिंग फॉर अ बोम्ब शेल्टर व्हें बोम्ब्स अरे अल अरौंद उस। डेमोक्रेसी हस बीन थे एनस;लवर ऑफ़ एवेरी कोउन्ट्री। वे कैन नो लोंगेर सीक एथनिक देतेर्मिनिस्म बेकाउसे ऑफ़ थे एन्द्लेस राम्पगे ऑफ़ दिवेर्सिटी। शौल्ड नोट वे बे प्रौद ऑफ़ वहत गोद हस गिवें उस। और शौल्ड वे बे अशमे ऑफ़ ऑउर रस। बे प्रौद ऑफ़ थे हेरिटेज यौर अन्सस्तोर्स गावे यू। सीक थे मोरल गूढ़ ऑफ़ यौर चिल्ड्रेन। डेमोक्रेसी इस एन्दगेरिंग यौर चिल्ड्रेन। आईटी अल्लोव्स फॉर सोदोमिते पेर्वेर्ट्स टू फिल यौर प्राइवेट फ़किल्लितिएस्। दो यू वांट यौर चिल्ड्रेन टू बे स्प्रेअद ठिर कैंसर? गोद तेस सोदोजुस्त अस मच अस मुर्देर। आईटी सय्स इन थे बाइबल मुर्देर्स अरे टू बे पुट टू डेथ एंड सोदोमितेस अल्सो। गोद नेवर चंगेस्द, हे इस स्टील थे समे। लेट्स रेमेम्बेर थे बुक ऑफ़ रोमांस व्हिच सय्स थे व्हो दो सुच थिंग्स देसेर्वे डेथ।