Overpopulation is the hugest myth ever. It provides a lame excuse for the Communist devils to chop down the deepest tradition of mankind, the family. Liberal man can not stand a little bit of responsibility. All he seeks in this world is some temporary anathetic to his ever plaguing passions. He can not stand the idea of heritage so he naturally seeks some alternative lifestyle which is completely unnatural. Instead of trying to bring up the next generation they run after contraceptives, abortions an etc... It would be better if they were never burn than to have that filth they bring into the world. Marx was wrong it is the enlightened man which enslaves the masses. The opiate of society is the porn which breaks up the dearest of relationships. The opiate of society is a loss of desire to reproduce as our forefathers have done for thousands of years. We have forgotten the purpose of sexuality to give forth a heritage and therefore the sanctity of it is gone. Gender has become interchangeable for society has somehow forgotten the meaning of life. The opiate of society is materialistic egalitarianism built on lies of false equality. It is better to suffer the hardship of overpopulation than suffer from a weak-mind. For overpopulation pushes us to expansion , while the lack of hardship produces a the weak-willed fickle human beings that commit suicide daily. The purpose of overpopulation is that the most intelligent organism in the universe will bring it's life outside of its domain. Our forefather's were forever expanding out of their domain with frivolous honor for their heritage and State. Eugenics by sterilization belongs for the inbreds and genetic mutants that they might not hurt their own descendants as well as the descendants of others. It is stupidity to sterilize perfectly healthy genetic stock . Isn't it the duty of everyone to try to preserve life; then why should abortion be even an alternative. It is honorable and natural for a Mother to lay down her life for her young just as a soldier who dies in war. Whatever happens is not the next life's fault. If a person does not want to take risk than why did they marry in the first place. Divorce is another problem in a Democratic society. It is as people have lost their commitment. Love has become no longer a decision but it has become all about making each other feel happy. Everyone seems so distracted that they can't see that happiness is only for a fleeting moment. The rest of life is intrinsically unfair with an overtone of neutrality. Satisfaction however is a state of mind just as much as freedom, thus life is how you make it. Life isn't suppose to be fair so why try to make it that way so instead one should try to make themselves satisfied and since beauty belongs to the beholder life will proportionally be a bliss. Marriage isn't about happiness it is actually no more than a stage of life. It is run primarily by duty without duty, honor, and tradition marriage loses meaning. I find it derogatory that such a stage of life is decided on base emotion rather than an agreement between the parents and the heir. The absence of a patriarchal system I find is what resulted in this. And of course a true patriarchal system with clans and patriarchs is truly incompatible with Democracy because such a conformitarian system rejects diversity in all forms.And because of the former statement race has lost its underlying structure and thus there is no support. Thus falls chivalry, discipline, order, authority, honor, and duty to a materialistic rule of majority.
Antidemocratic Groups on Facebook
- Advocates of a Brutal Fascist Government
- Against Democracy
- Against Freedom of the Speech
- Against Multiculturalism
- American Fascist Movement
- American Fascist Party, A.K.A The AFP
- Anti-Humanism
- Antidemocracy group
- anus.com
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Antidemocratic groups on Okurt
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- Meio Ambiente e o Integralismo
- Meio Ambiente e o Integralismo
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- Partido Verde é o Integralismo
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- sou fã do Augusto Pinochet
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- Unionismo - Neo Integralismo
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- Xadrez e Integralismo
- ∑ INTEGRALISMO - Niterói ∑
Antidemocratic groups on Yahoo
- A. Please understand I do not personally agree with all these links the purpose of this is to create an active database of those who wish to undermine Democracy.
- American Fascism
- americanfascism
- australianfascist
- australianfascist
- AyveanNation
- AyveanNation
- becomeanationalist
- becomeanationalist
- benito_mussolini_dvx
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- fascista
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- thenationalparty
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- Theocrats
- world-fascist
Antidemocratic groups on minor social networking sites
- Antidemocratic United Front
- Crypto Fascism
- Fascism
- Fascists
- International Fascism
- kriegspace
- Nihilistic Existentialist Modernist Fascist Network
- The Campaign to End Democracy on Bebo
- The Campaign to End Democracy on Xanga
- The Green Hammer
- The National Irish Accociation of Fascism Party (NIAF)
- The OFFICIAL Fascist Association of Ireland
Antidemocratic and Christian Reconstructionalist websites
- Action Française(translated)
- Albatross
- American Fascist Movement
- American Fascist Party
- Army of God
- AVE!
- Aziones Sociale(translated)
- British Fascist Society (under construction)
- Centrumdemokraterne(translated)
- Christian Falangist Party
- Christian Gallery
- Crosstar
- Falange Auténtica(translated)
- Falange Española de las JONS
- Falange Española Independiente (untranslatable)
- Frente Integralista Brasileira (translated)
- Gold Party (translated)
- Integralismo Lusitano
- International Fascist forum
- Lafalange
- Nederlandse Volksunie(translated)
- NPD(translated)
- Society for the Perpetuation of the Ten Commandments
- The Truth of Fascism
- Union Movement
- United Fascist Union
- Unión Nacional de Trabajadores(translated)
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