I have heard some stupid comments recently about a lack of racial intermarriage somehow lead to genetic defects. This is based on a premise that if we don't intermarry we will wear out our genetic markers and make us more prone to genetic defects much like European nobility. This statement is flawed because all humanity is related at some point so even according to their point of view if everyone intermarried: we would end up with one Global ethnicity, since there is no other ethnicities their would be no intermarriage which in the long term would wear out our genetic markers. Further consequences of a Global ethnicity would be the destruction of tradition, national Sovereignty, and culture in every society. The solution is not to diversify our genetics which in the end only leads to racial and cultural uniformity. The solution is to sterilize those with genetic defects in order to prevent the genetic contamination of future generations. This is by no chance a pro-choice statement because sterilization bears no similarity to the termination of a human life. It is in reality no more than genetic isolation; much more similar to what a society would do to a person would do to someone with a highly contagious disease quarantine them. This is all in all a pro-life stance since an accumulation of genetic defects can be lethal to the fetus much like an abortion.
Another statement I found disturbing is a comparison of ethnic determinism to incest this is absolutely false. The premise of this statement is since race is an extended family not intermarrying compares to incest. The flaw with this is going back farther all humanity is interrelated and thus following this flawed viewpoint is clearly seen because once we apply it to broad categories it becomes an incentive to wipe out humanity and in a smaller scale ones heritage. In order to understand why such a view is wrong one must also understand that intermarriage is wrong primarily because it sexualises the most sacred of relationships and secondary because of a higher risk of genetic defects not the other way around as some imply.
Another statement which is obviously contradictory is the one of there being no race some even take it further by saying there is no species. This is based on the theory of evolution which is foremost a theory which is proven by it having holes.
It also uses this kind of logic: If something has objects a,b, and c it is equal to another object that has a,b, and c. Regardless of similarities common dissimilarities among various groups of people prove races even though the amount of genetic differences is quite small. However they fail to provide a mathematical proof of to what extent genetics differences corresponds to physical and mental differences making there statements conclusionless. Since I can say that the type of genes and the differences and processes involved even a small change in these can cause profound changes.. Observation says that each race has strengths and weaknesses.
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